It’s not a secret…

But I probably pay less than you for Health Care!

Here’s your solution: CrowdHealth

How does it work?

Step 1: Contribute – Members make a low monthly contribution to be part of CrowdHealth.

Step 2: Go to the Doctor – You go to the doctor, ask for the cash price, and pay the bill.
** For emergency events, let us know before you pay your bill. We can facilitate negotiation on your behalf for emergency bills before you pay them.

Step 3: Submit Your Bills – Submitting bills is super simple. Just snap a photo, upload to the mobile app, and hit Submit!

Step 4: CrowdFund – CrowdHealth facilitates Member funding requests, so bills are crowdfunded smoothly and quickly.

Can I see any doctor?

CrowdHealth does not limit your access to care through stifling doctor networks. As a Member, you can keep seeing your favorite doc, or talk to your Care Advocate if you need help finding a new high-quality provider.

CrowdHealth is not insurance.

It is a whole new way of paying for medical bills through crowdfunding.

Each new member will receive their first 3 months of CrowdHealth for $99/month if you sign up with our affiliate link.

Screaming deal.

See if CrowdHealth is for you.